Why ‘Checking Your Privilege’ Doesn’t Work
We’re more aware than ever of even the smallest injustices—and doing nothing about them
Read MoreFact-based journalism that sparks the Canadian conversation
We’re more aware than ever of even the smallest injustices—and doing nothing about them
Read MoreCitizens of this country believe in the value of protecting one’s culture—except when it comes to Indigenous people
Read MoreOur educational system and our reliance on the Internet has led to a generation that does not know what they don’t know
Read MoreI wasn’t worried when the newspaper I worked for started publishing “climate skeptics.” I should have been
Read MoreA friend recently asked me if his firm should consider representing the former CBC Radio host’s media business. Here’s what I told him
Read MoreHit-hungry editors encourage confessional journalism. But when things get too hot, they let writers like Leah McLaren take the fall
Read MoreAs the media industry pushes for more content with less oversight, editors have become an endangered species
Read MoreUniversities want journalism’s relevance without its rabble rousing. What they’ll get is more conflict and hypocrisy
Read MoreThe very least that could be said of Ezra Levant is that he defended Jews from hate. But that’s now in the past
Read MoreFear of Muslims exists across Canada, but it has a different, more frightening tone in La Belle Province
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