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Charitable tax receipts will be sent at the end of each calendar year.

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All gifts of $20 or more will receive a charitable tax receipt.

Other ways to donate

Donate by phone

Call our donation line any day between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. EST and one of our operators will be happy to help.

Mail your donation

Download our PDF donation form and print it off. Fill out the form and mail it to our office at 411 Richmond St. E., Suite B15, Toronto, ON M5A 3S5.

Make a gift of securities

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Donor impact

Year in review

Donor listing


For more information, please contact our development team:

Laura Lavie
Head of Philanthropy
[email protected]

Vilayath Ali
Donor Relations Officer
[email protected]

Rose Danen
Annual Giving Officer
[email protected]

Charitable donation number copied to clipboard
Charitable donation number
No. 861851624-RR0001