Editor’s Note
The Conservative government’s plan to create a national securities regulator came to naught late last year when the Supreme Court ruled that it would be unconstitutional; our Constitution gives provinces …
Read MoreFact-based journalism that sparks the Canadian conversation
Rachel Giese highlights the growing epidemic of medical error in Canada; Noah Richler explores the shifting role of Canadian Forces; Chris Turner discovers the uncomfortable socio-economics of the cheap beach vacation; Adam Nayman profiles Canadian filmmaker Jennifer Baichwal; fiction by Lynn Crosbie…
The Conservative government’s plan to create a national securities regulator came to naught late last year when the Supreme Court ruled that it would be unconstitutional; our Constitution gives provinces …
Read MoreAfter the NDP’s Orange Wave, a rookie MP learns to cook
Read MoreJennifer Baichwal is the best Canadian filmmaker you’ve never heard of. In Payback, she expands on Margaret Atwood’s book, exploring the human condition of owing and being owed
Read MoreTimeline, Facebook’s latest bid to keep you in its grasp, is unsettling—and unexpectedly beautiful
Read MoreAnn Southam, one of Canada’s most illustrious contemporary composers, lived her life as she wrote her music: with deceptive austerity
Read MoreI’ve just now got wind of a fox that’s long got wind of men as he slinks from traffic island to traffic island to where he’s made his den in …
Read MoreDinner finished, wine in hand, in a vaguely competitive spirit of disclosure, we trail Google Earth’s invisible pervert through the streets of our hometowns, but find them shabbier, or grossly …
Read MoreIn which the writer discovers the uncomfortable socio-macroeconomics of the cheap beach vacation
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