Schoolhouse Lilies
Except when he was watching baseball, it seemed my father was always outdoors, tipping his hat to locals, watering the flowers that focused his retirement. A Yankees fan for more …
Read MoreFact-based journalism that sparks the Canadian conversation
Patrick Graham reports on why everything we know about ISIS is wrong; Christopher Pollon on the troubling rise of the payday-loan industry; Kaitlin Fontana remembers Alanis Morissette’s Jagged Little Pill as the album turns twenty; Omar Mouallem follows Halifax’s favourite street meat, the donair, to Alberta; photos of archaic medical instruments from the attic of Montreal’s Royal Victoria Hospital…
Except when he was watching baseball, it seemed my father was always outdoors, tipping his hat to locals, watering the flowers that focused his retirement. A Yankees fan for more …
Read MoreHIV non-disclosure laws do more harm than good
Read MoreJunk food has no taste—which is why we can’t stop eating it
Read MoreHalifax’s favourite street meat conquers Alberta
Read MoreMordecai Richler taught Quebec to laugh at itself—a quarter century before it was ready to do so. Montreal finally is giving him his due
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