Magazine articles

“[I]t requires the much more radical act of teaching them to question all they have been told about what it means to be a man, and then helping them figure out how to become a good one. Or, as one boy at Vanier explained it to me, ‘It’s a program where you learn how not to be a jerk.’ ”
- “The Talk” by Rachel Giese (April)
- “The Story behind the Rob Ford Story” by Ivor Tossell (March)
- “The Israel Taboo” by Joseph Rosen (January/February)
- “Faulty Tower” by Adele Weder (November)
- “The Secret Life of Max Stern” by Sara Angel (October)
- “True Blue” by Marci McDonald (May)
- “Oxy Town” by Dan Werb (December)
- “Just Do It” by Micah Toub (September)
- “Nobody’s a Critic” by Jesse Brown (June)
- “Why Good People Write Bad Prose” by Gary Stephen Ross (October)
Walrus TV videos

A eulogy in verse for an eighteen-year-old man who was gunned down in broad daylight in Toronto.
- “When All Is Lost” by Mustafa Ahmed (The Walrus Talks Resilience)
- “The Future of Not Being Afraid of the Future” by Shad (The Walrus Talks Tomorrow)
- “The Body Always Give a Shit” by Sonnet L’Abbé (The Walrus Talks Philanthropy)
- “The Closing Down of Personhood” by Madeleine Thien (The Walrus Talks States of Mind)
- “From the Inside Out” by Measha Brueggergosman (The Walrus Talks: The Art of Conversation)
Podcast episodes

“After a few days, a ton and a half of cocaine was found on-board.” Noah Richler discusses the life and alleged crimes of an out-of-work fisherman from Digby accused of smuggling drugs into Spain.
- “#24: How to Teach Boys About Sex” with Rachel Giese (March 31)
- “#21: Inside the Story behind the Rob Ford Story” with Ivor Tossell (February 18)
- “#28: The Trials of Philip Halliday” with Noah Richler (July 30)
- “#34: Joseph Boyden’s Short List” with Joseph Boyden and Eliza Robertson (November 24)
- “#29: Just Do It” with Micah Toub (August 18)
Blog posts

“To understand why people in Ferguson have been protesting practically every day since [Michael] Brown’s killing, and why they are likely not going to stop, consider this: many of them believe that until they establish the right simply to exist in their own streets without fear of police brutality, there can be no moving forward from here.”
- “Things Rob Ford Has Quit” by Matthew McKinnon (July 21)
- “Standoff on South Florissant” by Desmond Cole (November 26)
- “Foul Territory” by Stacey May Fowles (July 30)
- “Money for Nothing and Cheques for Free” by Drew Nelles (August 13)
- “Loving Thy Neighbour in a Secular Age” by Jonathan Kay (December 9)