Why Do Canadians Throw Away 6 Million Tonnes of Groceries Every Year?
In 2015, I resolved to waste less food. It was harder than I thought
Read MoreFact-based journalism that sparks the Canadian conversation
Sasha Chapman explains why we throw away more than 6 million tonnes of groceries every year; John Lorinc asks do we really need school board trustees; Robert Fulford recalls how Pierre Trudeau killed the cabinet; Andrew Coyne makes the case against first past the post; the world’s oldest noise band turns fifty; fiction by Kris Bertin . . .
In 2015, I resolved to waste less food. It was harder than I thought
Read MoreDo we really need school board trustees?
Read MoreInside the interrogation of Robert Pickton
Read Moretrite yap show rosy twit heap posterity haw a wept history it’s yawp rot, eh a wisher potty a power shitty a whitey sport poetry is what whips yo tater …
Read More(for Elizabeth Bachinsky, with a line from Maggie Nelson) All our poems now are for people we know And our babies. It’s 1846. In the North Charitable Infirmary, the musical …
Read MoreEpisode eight of ten
Read MoreThe world’s oldest noise band turns fifty
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Read MoreIn a new memoir, former detective Lori Shenher revisits the Robert Pickton case, and grapples with the trauma it left behind
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