Soldiers, Not Peacekeepers
Content Briefly describe the anecdote at the beginning of the article. What is the difference between a peacekeeper and a soldier Why is one Canadian soldier sick of being called …
Read MoreFact-based journalism that sparks the Canadian conversation
Allan Gregg calls for change to Canada’s model of multiculturalism; Sean Maloney and Tom Fennell argue that Canada’s operations in Afghanistan should be recognized as a war; Chris Dewdney ponders living in the flow of time; Alison Gillmor argues that repression of emotions is back in vogue; fiction by Randy Boyagoda…
Content Briefly describe the anecdote at the beginning of the article. What is the difference between a peacekeeper and a soldier Why is one Canadian soldier sick of being called …
Read MoreBy Saturday, January 7, 2005, the Jane Creba memorial — small bouquets, compassionate poems, candles — had grown steadily, pushing its way across the sidewalk in front of the Foot …
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Read Morehavana—“The next performance will be Tightrope,” says the announcer, “who will play 100-percent improvised jazz.” Free jazz. Oh no. Two hours into the second night of Havana’s International Jazz Plaza …
Read More—Somewhere in the Middle East, sparkling in the desert sun, is a piece of Canada no one can really explain. It is a single plastic tiara, encrusted with fake plastic …
Read Moretoronto—Offer: A 1kg can of Maxwell House Original Roast Coffee that is about 90% full…. I usually buy Tim Horton’s coffee, but the price of this can was too good …
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