Autumn always brings a bumper crop of great reads: fresh new fiction and nonfiction. Throughout the season, we’ll be featuring a selection of new excerpts, Q&As with authors and industry insiders, reviews, and insights from the world of publishing.

Gabor Maté Wants to Overhaul Society

Will John Irving’s The Last Chairlift Stand the Test of Time?

Excerpt: Siopao Is More than the Sum of Its Parts

Ann-Marie MacDonald on Exile, Imagination, and Her New Gothic Ghost Story

Excerpt: My Harry Potter Podcast Made Me a Better Scholar

Book Cover Confidential: A Roundtable with Designers

Excerpt: Are Hospitals Overtreating Patients Nearing Death?

Judy I. Lin’s Recipe for YA Success: Fantasy and a Cup of Tea

Kate Beaton’s New Book Grapples with the Human Cost of the Oil Sands

Excerpt: When Big Tobacco Was Forced to Pay

Excerpt: I Miss Being Bored at the Mall
Editors: Carine Abouseif, Samia Madwar, Harley Rustad, Carmine Starnino, Daniel Viola, Monika Warzecha
Art Direction: Celina Gallardo
Illustrator: Kate Traynor
Head of Research: Allison Baker
Copy Editor: Siddhesh Inamdar
Fact Checkers: Nour Abi-Nakhoul, Sharon Nadeem, Leila El Shennawy, Lucy Uprichard, Emma Wilkie