Iran’s Great Game
In 1980, Saddam Hussein invaded Iran because he believed Iranian fundamentalists were plotting against him. Today, with increasing chaos on the ground, is Iraq still threatened by Iranian subversion?
Read MoreFact-based journalism that sparks the Canadian conversation
Fiction by Guy Vanderhaeghe, Banana Yoshimoto, and Damon Galgut; poetry by Billy Collins, M. NourbeSe Philip, Di Brandt, and Marilyn Hacker; Bill Cameron argues that the unclarified legal status of prisoners at Guantanamo Bay is only hurting the cause of justice; Thaddeus Holownia photographs Walden Pond…
In 1980, Saddam Hussein invaded Iran because he believed Iranian fundamentalists were plotting against him. Today, with increasing chaos on the ground, is Iraq still threatened by Iranian subversion?
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Read MoreTHADDEUS Holownia, an artist and professor of fine arts in Sackville, New Brunswick, has always been interested in the American naturalist Henry David Thoreau. From 1845 to 1847, Thoreau lived …
Read MoreAll in all, it had been a fine wedding. Enough to eat, enough to drink. Plenty of cameras
Read MoreGranted, things have not been well in the Canadian Film and Television Industry, and sure, even when things were good, or at least promising, people—your average viewer—didn’t read the credits. …
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