Before I am fully a person
I want to know what great
horror happened in the night.
The icon’s head
is too thick for its hopeful wings
but responds to my thumb
like a faithful servant of the Eternal.
Give me insult and dogs,
give me West Coast results
and a drunk self-own from B at 3 am.
Give me the stream of those I admire
who have been fighting all night
for truth, and the maniacs who hate
everything they can’t touch.
Concentrate, NIMBY. Today, do
some work that is not
fuelled by rage. But first,
do some work with rage.
Just outside, a robin cackles
its first bad joke of the day.
Grey unruly dawn begins
to interfere with the clear
loud light in my palm.
Blessing for Twitter
The icon’s head / is too thick for its hopeful wings / but responds to my thumb