
It was good to be unfounded again, without / vestiges there in the dark

Photo of the poet, George Amabile, wearing a sun hat and looking toward the sky. The photo is in black and white; the background is various shades of green.
The Walrus

I was trying to fix the axiom fabricator.
The boss said procrastinate that, and I did.
But I went too far, and it got lost
in the trade winds. Fissures opened
the parameters, and the perimeter slackened
its military attention. We waited all day,
hoping a groundswell might surprise us.
Instead, night came out of the west, faster
than a speeding mullet, and took precedence.

It was good to be unfounded again, without
vestiges there in the dark, and before the light
came up inside it, we had already learned
to forget each other and all that had been
accomplished in the interim as the world turned
something we thought we knew into everything else.

George Amabile
George Amabile has published ten books and his work has appeared in over a hundred national and international venues. He lives in Winnipeg.