Is Africa’s Pain Black America’s Burden?
The civil rights movement improved the lives of African Americans as well as African Canadians. Conditions in Africa, meanwhile, have become increasingly dire—and are increasingly ignored
Read MoreFact-based journalism that sparks the Canadian conversation
Allan Gregg argues that Paul Martin’s health accord threatens Canada’s national unity; John Fraser looks at the evolution of modern China; Lawrence Hill asks what black Americans’ obligations are to the people of Africa; Brian Preston asks if a new marijuana mist could become the Aspirin of the twenty-first century…
The civil rights movement improved the lives of African Americans as well as African Canadians. Conditions in Africa, meanwhile, have become increasingly dire—and are increasingly ignored
Read MorePierre Trudeau tried to stop a cycle of blackmail, where one province held up the national interest by bargaining solely for its own parish. Paul Martin’s new health accord is an invitation not just for one blackmailer, but for ten.
Read MoreThe latest Senate committee to investigate the media has set an ambitious goal: to study “the appropriate role of public policy in helping to ensure that the news media remain …
Read Moretoronto—A trumpeter stands beside a bus shelter belting out jazz riffs, while out on the street a man on stilts galumphs past as a juggler tosses fire. On this warm …
Read MoreDespite everything, the would-be voters came
Read Morethe hague—When Sabine Kupferberg, one of the finest contemporary dancers of the Nederlands Dans Theater (ndt), reached the age at which dance steps that had once been easy increasingly became …
Read Moreboston—Copley Square is a study in contrasts. At the south end sits the stately Boston Public Library, founded in 1848 and built “for the people and dedicated to the advancement …
Read MoreSpycraft struggles to stay on top of both terrorists and technology
Read MoreThe mysterious Al Dawa party, in league with head cleric Ayatollah Sistani, may be the new powerbrokers in post-election Iraq.
Read MoreEverything old is new again as China reinvents itself for the twenty-first century.
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