Heaven on Earth
That was no raccoon. They both knew it sounded bigger than that
Read MoreFact-based journalism that sparks the Canadian conversation
I would dig into the clearance section at the back of every store until my hands hurt from the rough plastic of the packaging
Read MoreFor decades, the celebrated author ruled the public’s imagination. But times change—how will he be read now?
Read MoreIn this memoir, a child and his family leave Lebanon for Athens
Read MoreEight years ago, Wajdi Mouawad left Canada after his plays faced censure and cancellation. Now he’s back
Read MoreThe iconic writer’s new novel aims to be timeless, but it may simply be out of touch
Read MoreRéjean Ducharme was brilliant, influential, and mostly invisible to English Canada
Read MoreHe will forever be ahead of his time, where he rightfully belongs
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