Yes, I have tried cleansing, cutting, bingeing,
purging, laughing, grieving, slutty fucking,
cardio, physio, detoxing protocols, supplements,
surgeries, sedatives, laxatives, antidepressants,
antipsychotics, hormones, opioids,
& yes turmeric, patience, positivity,
cbt, dbt, group, art & music therapy,
outpatient, inpatient, sometimes involuntary.
I have “wept & fasted, wept & prayed.”
Yes, I have tried to just get over it,
the fragility & pain, I have tried
to explain but O god I am tired
of the trial, of your questions,
of trying to be alive in your world.
Thanks for Asking
Yes, I have tried to just get over it, / the fragility & pain