The Smell of Smoke
Green remembers the quality of sunlight on the afternoon he last saw Maggie, August 23, 1968, beside his parents’ swimming pool. It was late in the season so there was …
Read MoreFact-based journalism that sparks the Canadian conversation
Green remembers the quality of sunlight on the afternoon he last saw Maggie, August 23, 1968, beside his parents’ swimming pool. It was late in the season so there was …
Read MorePets are family, but chickens are food products? A Quebec vet examines our two-faced relationship with animals
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Read MoreHow speculation on the Quebec referendum nearly ended in financial disaster
Read MorePierre Trudeau tried to stop a cycle of blackmail, where one province held up the national interest by bargaining solely for its own parish. Paul Martin’s new health accord is an invitation not just for one blackmailer, but for ten.
Read MoreIt was a tough winter for farmers in Quebec’s Eastern Townships. Heavy snowfall combined with frigid temperatures forced many to move their cattle inside. Then, unexpectedly, a deep and sudden …
Read MoreHow to move a mosque, a temple, and several ancient churches from Kerala, India, to the Sanguenays
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