December 3 is GivingTuesday, a global movement dedicated to supporting the charities and issues you care about.
It’s getting harder to find news you can trust, with growing polarization, dis- and misinformation, as well as generative AI. As a registered charity best known for our independent, award-winning journalism, The Walrus is hoping to raise $10,000 on this day of generosity in the face of these realities.
If you’re looking for real, fact-based journalism by real people, I ask that you support The Walrus with a donation this GivingTuesday.
Jennifer Hollett
Executive Director, The Walrus
Make this GivingTuesday GIVING NEWSDAY!
December 3 is GivingTuesday, a global movement dedicated to supporting the charities and issues you care about.
It’s getting harder to find news you can trust, with growing polarization, dis- and misinformation, as well as generative AI. As a registered charity best known for our independent, award-winning journalism, The Walrus is hoping to raise $10,000 on this day of generosity in the face of these realities.
If you’re looking for real, fact-based journalism by real people, I ask that you support The Walrus with a donation this GivingTuesday.