Interviews with writers about what happens months after a new book comes out, when the launch parties are over, the reviews are all done, and it’s time to start writing again.
Honest, funny conversations about a part of the writing life that rarely gets talked about, and that few authors are prepared for the first time they land in it.
New episodes every Monday.
March 3, 2025: Anuja Varghese
Anuja and I talk about Hamilton, Ontario’s weirdly tight-knit literary scene; about the manuscript for Chrysalis initially meeting with only rejection and silence from publishers; and about dealing with audiences and readers who have trouble with some of the more graphic material in her first book.
February 23, 2025: Daniel Innes and Christina Wong
Daniel, Christina, and I talk about the shock of their book’s success, about getting advice on surviving the Canada Reads experience from former Calgary mayor Naheed Nenshi, and about changing up their creative process for their next collaboration, currently in the works.
February 17, 2025: Margaret MacMillan
Margaret and I talk about the current alarming state of international relations, about her drive to write historical works that can be read and understood by non-historians, and about the Canadian short story writer whose biography she would love to write.
February 10, 2025: Ivan Lesay
Ivan and I talk about the (mostly) friendly rivalry between Slovaks and Czechs and how it parallels Canada’s relationship with the US, about suddenly adding a side career as a novelist to his distinguished work in economic policy, and about how, thanks to COVID, his novel never got a proper launch event until the publication of the translated version last year.
February 3, 2025: Sheung-King
Sheung-King and I talk about his state of mind the morning after winning the Atwood Gibson prize, about the best advice he got on how to solve an issue he was having with his first novel, and about living in both Canada and China and always feeling like a returnee no matter which country he is in.
January 27, 2025: Shashi Bhat
Shashi and I talk about how her writing style has grown both darker and more overtly humorous, the pressures she has felt about the kinds of stories that she, as a woman from a South Asian family, was supposed to write, and about her enduring love for short stories.
January 20, 2025: Derek McCormack
Derek and I talk about his complicated literary reputation, about writers needing to fight against their natural desire for attention and acceptance, and, not uncoincidentally, about publishing a novel with a title I am too boring and polite to say out loud on a podcast.
January 13, 2025: francesca ekwuyasi
francesca and I talk about how having her first book on Canada Reads was directly responsible for her second, about how writers should let themselves explore whatever theme or territory has them in its grip, and about how, having written her first novel all over the place and on whatever materials were handy, she has finally discovered the joy of writing at an actual desk.
January 6, 2025: Leigh Nash
Leigh and I talk about the founding of Assembly Press, about her ongoing love for her debut collection, and about how the world of books has changed since its publication.
December 30, 2024: Martha Baillie
Martha and I talk about her continuing post-award high, about strangers sharing their own stories of mental health struggles with her, and the oddity—but also delight—of relatively late-career success.
December 23, 2024: Stephen Maher
Stephen and I talk about the very recent and ongoing chaos surrounding Trudeau and his government, the particular stresses of researching and writing a biography of an acting political figure whose fortunes could change at any moment, and the book he is currently working on about another Canadian icon with a very tarnished brand: the Royal Canadian Mounted Police.
December 16, 2024: Charlene Carr
Charlene and I talk about manifesting her first traditionally published novel into being, working on marketing plans while in a maternity ward, and deciding to put limits on the amount of time and mental space she can give her career.
December 9, 2024: Josh O'Kane
Josh and I talk about the extremely unequal distribution of wealth in arts and culture (one of his main beats as a reporter), the strangeness of seeing your deeply reported journalistic work become a hit play that features a talking tree, and the wait for the next big book-worthy idea.
December 2, 2024: Casey Plett
Casey and I talk about her terrible author signature, surviving the first days of the new Trump regime, and the shift in approach she is taking with her novel in progress.
November 25, 2024: Alison McCreesh
Alison and I talk about mostly eliding her own artistic career in her memoir, the miracle of family-friendly artist residencies, and the new graphic novel she isn’t sure she’ll ever complete.
November 18, 2024: Lisa Whittington-Hill
Lisa and I talk about the gender gap in celebrity redemption arcs, the inadvertent marketing boost Britney Spears gave to Girls, Interrupted, and the magazine about her neighbourhood’s pets she made when she was seven years old.
November 11, 2024: Ali Bryan
Ali and I talk about our mutual dislike of aspirational novels, the current literary trend against ambiguity in literary fiction, and the elements of a successful and enjoyable book launch. (Spoiler: a ninety-minute reading is not one of those elements.)
November 4, 2024: Hannah Green
Hannah and I talk about the photo from her book launch that went viral, about writing poetry before and after getting sober, and about the unexpectedly long break from writing she took after finishing Xanax Cowboy.
October 28, 2024: Ainslie Hogarth
Ainslie and I talk about Halloween, provoking readers, and the perils of trying to remake yourself as a writer.
October 21, 2024: Dan Werb
Dan and I talk about how his musical career does, and doesn’t, connect with his scientific one, about the challenge of misinformation that COVID-19 exposed and accelerated, and about why the joy of winning a major non-fiction book award lasted about a day and a half.
October 14, 2024: Tamara Faith Berger
Tamara and I talk about mainstream Canadian literary culture’s discomfort with her work’s signature combination of deep ideas and frank sexuality, about the complicated experience of publishing in October 2023 a novel that explores Jewish identity and its relationship to Israel, and the total coincidence that led to her having two films appearing in one year.
October 7, 2024: Paige Maylott
Paige and I talk about the cultural and personal importance of the early ’80s video game Zork, about the decision she made, while writing her memoir, to always show herself in a worse light than anyone else, and about how she struggled with the idea of writing a second memoir—but why she is doing it anyway.
September 30, 2024: Waubgeshig Rice
Waubgeshig’s most recent book is Moon of the Turning Leaves, published in 2023 by Random House Canada. That book was a #1 bestseller and a finalist for the Aurora Award for best novel.
Waubgeshig and I talk about how being a bestselling and very in-demand author is a little bit like touring in a rock band, about the pleasures of Brazilian jiu-jitsu, which he was introduced to by his friend (and the current premier of Manitoba) Wab Kinew, and about how he is not yet closing the door on a possible third book in the series that began with Moon of the Crusted Snow.
September 23, 2024: David Bergen
David’s work has also won the Carol Shields Winnipeg Book Award, the Margaret Laurence Award for Fiction, and the John Hirsch Award for Most Promising Manitoba Writer, and been nominated for the Manitoba Book of the Year, the ReLit Awards, and the International Dublin Literary Award. He was awarded the Matt Cohen Award in 2018, in honour of distinguished lifetime contribution to Canadian literature.
His most recent novel is Away from the Dead, published in 2023 by Goose Lane Editions.
David and I talk about adding his name to the various actions in opposition to the Giller Prize’s association with Scotiabank, the crime novel he wrote a decade ago that is finally getting published next year, and the advice he wishes he’d given Ron MacLean when Ron defended one of David’s books on Canada Reads. (David and I also bond over not yet having read Middlemarch.)
September 16, 2024: Christine Estima
Christine’s debut book is The Syrian Ladies Benevolent Society, published by House of Anansi Press in 2023 and included in the CBC’s list of best Canadian fiction for that year.
Christine and I talk about dealing with sexist idiots, about how she uses moments of rejection to propel her forward in her writing and her career, and about her new book, a fictional take on a notorious and tragic literary relationship.
September 9, 2024: Carl Wilson
That book was originally published in 2007 by Bloomsbury Publishing as part of the 33 1/3 series of books about popular music. An expanded edition was published in 2014 that included essays by Nick Hornby, Krist Novoselic, Ann Powers, Mary Gaitskill, Sheila Heti, and others, as well as a new afterword by Carl.
Carl and I talk about, of course, Céline’s recent performance at the Paris Olympics, about the unlikely popular and academic success of Let’s Talk about Love, and about the two book-length works he wants to complete—one a biography of the beloved singer-songwriter David Berman, the other a treatise on the legitimacy of crying as a critical response to great art.
September 2, 2024: Peter Darbyshire
I’m doing something slightly different in this episode, because Peter actually has three books that are about to be published: The Mona Lisa Sacrifice, The Dead Hamlets, and The Apocalypse Ark, which are all part of his Cross series of supernatural thrillers. All three books are being published in October by Wolsak & Wynn. However, all three were previously published by another small indie press, in 2013, 2015, and 2016 respectively.
Peter and I talk about how running the COVID-19 social media response for a provincial health authority gave him a new perspective on the apocalypse, about getting the Cross series reprinted—and why it needed to be—and about how the stretch of time since his last new work of fiction speaks to something of a crisis of faith when it comes to his own writing.
August 26, 2024: Michael Christie
Michael’s most recent novel is Greenwood, which was published in 2019 by McClelland & Stewart. That book was a national bestseller and won Le Prix du Livre de SQY and the 2020 Arthur Ellis Award for Excellence in Canadian Crime Writing. It was also shortlisted for the 2020 Forest of Reading Evergreen Award, the Ethel Wilson Fiction Prize, and the Roderick Haig-Brown Regional Prize; it was also longlisted for the Giller Prize and was a 2023 Canada Reads finalist.
Michael and I talk about how his writing career has been influenced by his previous semi-pro skateboarding career, about converting Greenwood into a TV series, and about how, while working on his new novel, he had to resist the temptation to copy the narrative formula that had worked so well in Greenwood.
August 19, 2024: Deborah Dundas
Deborah’s first book is On Class, which was published by Biblioasis in 2023. That book was a Hamilton Review of Books best book of 2023 and was shortlisted for the 2024 Speaker’s Book Award. The Winnipeg Free Press called On Class “a nifty, provocative little book.”
Deborah and I talk about working on the most-discussed literary story of the decade: the revelations about the late Alice Munro and her family, and about how she initially wanted to say no to working on that story. We talk about some of the progress and great conversations about class she has seen since publishing her book, and how she feels just a little less like an outsider in Canada’s literary culture.
August 12, 2024: Jackie Khalilieh
Jackie and I talk about how her identity as an autistic person and a Palestinian Canadian inform the kinds of stories she wants to tell, about some of the negative response her book has received from readers who perhaps wanted its autistic main character to conform to a particular ideal, and about how she can’t go on Goodreads without stripmining the site for data and projections about her own writing career.
August 5, 2024: Kathryn Kuitenbrouwer
Kathryn’s most recent book is Wait Softly Brother, which was published by Wolsak & Wynn in 2023 and was longlisted for the Giller Prize. The Toronto Star said that Wait Softly Brother is “rich with the true stuff of imagined lives, and the imagined stuff of true lives,” and “is a glorious enchantment indeed.”
Kathryn and I talk about how the enormous emotional, existential, and even geographic changes she has gone through in past decade have impacted her writing—for the better—about how Wait Softly Brother came out of a very public writing experiment after she started to think her career was over, and about her compulsive need to transform every experience into the seed for more writing.
July 29, 2024: Kelly S. Thompson
Rachel Matlow, author of Dead Mom Walking, wrote that “with this heartwrenching yet hopeful book, Kelly has turned her loss and grief into something beautiful.”
Kelly and I talk about how her current writing practice is informed by her years in the military and by her chronic illness, about the worst response to her writing she has ever received, and about how publishing Still, I Cannot Save You has led to some expected, but no less agonizing difficulties with her extended family.
A quick warning: Kelly and I joke around a lot in this episode, but there are also a few tears: the conversation covers some very difficult and traumatic territory, such as addiction and domestic abuse.
July 21, 2024: Rollie Pemberton (Cadence Weapon)
The Toronto Star called Bedroom Rapper “an intriguing window into a creative mind that takes creativity and the constant betterment of that creativity very seriously.”
Rollie and I talk about his relentlessly curatorial approach to art and the world, about the need for more and better artistic criticism, and about why he thinks books and writing will soon eclipse music as his central creative pursuit.
July 14, 2024: John Valiant
John and I talk about how the devastating things he writes about in Fire Weather really are our new reality, about the fact that he is still talking publicly about the book almost every single day—even a year after it was published—and about why the novel he had been planning to write instead of Fire Weather will probably remain unwritten.
July 8, 2024: Alissa York
Alissa’s most recent book is Far Cry, which was published by TK in 2023 by Random House Canada. The Toronto Star said Far Cry is “dazzling and brilliant” and called it “a transfixing, glorious novel.”
Alissa and I talk about the Humber Creative Writing program, how she makes herself disconnect from social media, and most other social things, when she is working on a book, and where she begins when she is starting a new novel.
July 1, 2024: Cody Caetano
The Toronto Star said about Half-Bads in White Regalia that “Caetano’s voice leaps off the page with a rhythmic, hip-hop style right from the first page.”
Cody and I talk about some of his pre-publishing jobs, and how they relate to his current ones, about how he handles being someone from a very different background than most people in the book world, and what it’s like to be a writer who is also an agent—someone who knows how the sausage gets made.
June 24, 2024: Nina Dunic
The Toronto Star called The Clarion “a wonderful, and promising, debut.”
Nina and I talk about her how she has dealt with nervousness around getting interviewed – it involves cognac – about maintaining distance between her fiction writing self and her real self, and about the surreal feeling she gets watching her debut book, which she was certain would disappear without a trace, get all of this recognition from critics, readers, and award juries. (We recorded this conversation shortly before she won Trillium Prize, but we talk about that, too.)
June 17, 2024: Nathan Whitlock
My guest interviewer on this episode is Julie S. Lalonde. Julie is an internationally recognized women’s rights advocate and public educator. Her book Resilience is Futile: The Life and Death and Life of Julie S. Lalonde was published by Between the Lines in 2020. It was named one of the best books of the year by CBC Books and the Hill Times and won the 2020 Ontario Speaker’s award. It also won an Independent Publisher Book Award in 2021. (In addition to all that, Julie was the very first guest I had on this podcast.)
Julie and I talk about the differences between publishing your first book and publishing your third, how to deal with other authors sucking up all the sales and attention, and the author I consider my dream-get for this podcast.